Information Technology Services

Schedulable Location Request

NAMING CONVENTION: For new departmental Location accounts, the name must be of the form or, with periods between all words. Requests without periods will not be created.

Location Logon and Published Name (total of 19 characters with periods between words) i.e. MurrowEast.243

Location Directory and Display Name (total of 30 characters) i.e. Murrow East 243 Conference Room

Select One:

Moderator’s Name: (leave blank if not moderated)

Moderator’s NID/AD Account: (leave blank if not moderated)

Requestor’s Name:

Requestor’s Email:

Requestor’s Department:

Requestor’s Telephone:

Location Features:

Seating Capacity:  

Location Telephone: 

Video Conferencing Capable:
Ethernet Ready:
Wireless Accessible:

Other Location Features:

Comments (Additional Account Information):