Information Technology Services

Office 365 Group Creation Form

Group Name
Enter the requested group name.

All group names must be unique. ITS will contact you if the requested name is already in use. The group name must use this naming convention: Campus/College/Area abbreviation followed by a period, and then appropriate identifier(s) (e.g., ITS.Operations.O365).

Office 365 groups that represent a specific academic class must use an 8-way key naming convention that follows this format: 2018.Fall.PULLM.ACCTG.230.01.3314.LEC.Stu

Office 365 groups that represent a general class, but not a year, term, campus, section, or lab can use this general naming convention: Campus/College/Area abbreviation preceded by the course catalog number (e.g., CCB.ACCTG.230).

Display Name
Enter the requested display name.

Enter the requested display name. This will be the name used within Outlook and in the Global Address List (if listed) to reference the group.

Will this group contain student data?
Will membership in this group imply a student status or record (i.e. MATH.UndergradStudents)?

Access Parameters:
Group content and conversations are available to everyone. Anyone can join this group without approval from the group owner. This is the default value.
Groups that contain student records must be private. Group content and conversations are only available to members of the group. Joining the group requires approval from the group owner.
Groups that imply student status must be hidden per FERPA regulations. This option hides the members of the Office 365 group from users who are not members of the group.

List two owners NIDs for this group
Please specify only TWO owners and separate them using a semi-colon
Please enter your email address